Modern Maldivian does not think of him/herself as
superstitious. But the fact remains that like
their ancestors over the bygone centuries, they too live in an
environment they share with a host of jinnis and other
spirits. No one raises an eyebrow when the local
football team hires a "fanditha man" to work hand in
hand with the expensive coach hired from Rumania.
word "fanditha" comes from "pundit", the
Sanskrit word for a priest. This reflects the
ancient origins of this form of exorcism.
Maldivians often take the help of fanditha men to care their
illnesses, many of which they believe are due to 'bad' jinnis.
There are good jinnis too, who help fanditha men with their
has not really pushed away the fanditha men, as any football
fan worth his salt will tell you. They have as
much faith in the fanditha men, if not more, than the coach. At
least they fare much better than the coach. Most
fanditha men work for two or more teams simultaneously on the
sly. So, whoever wins the fanditha men don't lose.