Do we need a cultural dress? Is our nationhood naked without a national dress? Some of us apparently feel so. Perhaps it is a subconscious national desire to keep up with the Joneses, since many neighbors do have national dresses. But many others dont, and its comforting to know that we are by no means alone in our cultural nakedness. In fact, we are in excellent company. Still, it may be worthwhile to see why others have national dresses and what they achieve from them..... [click heading for details] Matheerah: the Exalted Island Matheerah is a small scenic island in the lagoon of Hathifushi, Haa Alif Atoll. It is famous throughout the Maldives for its ancient Mausoleum. Interestingly, nobody really knows who the Mausoleum contains, or when it was built. However, old folks in Hathifushi relate a story that sheds some light on the mystery..... [click heading for details] From African Dance Drumming to Maldivian Bodu Beru According to oral tradition the people of Feridhoo in North Ari Atoll are descended from Negroes. Feridhuans trace their origins to three slaves freed by King Mueenuddin and settled in the island more than a hundred years back. They even trace the origins of the popular Maldivian dance drumming, bodu beru, to these emancipated slaves.... [click heading for details] Entitlement Ceremony of King Shamsuddin III King Shamsuddin's Entitlement Ceremony was the last flicker of the candle before the thousand-year- old flame of royalty was finally extinguished in the Maldives. Though the monarchy would linger on for another 60 years, the level of splendor and pageantry seen on this occasion would never be duplicated again..... [Click heading for details] Surrounded by jinnis The Modern Maldivian does not think of him/herself as superstitious. But the fact remains that like their ancestors over the bygone centuries, they too live in an environment they share with a host of jinnis and other spirits. No one raises an eyebrow when the local football team hires a "fanditha man" to work hand in hand with the expensive coach hired from Rumania. -more- Island Maulood In the not too distant past, many islands used to have their own festivals called maulood. Different islands held their maulood at different times to commemorate different events....--Click the Heading for details-- Toddy Tapping Toddy tapping used to be an important occupation in the Maldives, second only to fishing. Even a cursory glance at historical records and legends would reveal the central role of toddy tappers in earlier days.... [click heading for more] |