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Recent Articles

Tryst with Valentine

Ah, Valentine's Day. Here you come again. Urging me to be romantic. Telling me that if I buy my wife a dozen roses, a box of chocolates, a Hallmark card and dinner at Thai Wok Restaurant, she may keep me around for another year....
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From Jail to Correction Center

The green wire-mesh fence separating Gaamadhoo Jail and Himmafushi Island had gaping holes large enough for an elephant to pass through.  I asked Ahmed (all names in this article are changed) my NSS escort why the inmates don't run away.....
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Death stalks 16-year-old girl

She woke up terrified, struggling for her life.   She couldn't breathe.  Someone was brutally suffocating her face with a cushion.  Her desperate shouts for help were stifled.  Life was fast draining out of her exhausted body.....
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